When we were kids our dad worked for Vauxhall and at one point he was seconded to Lotus in Norfolk. He rented a house there during the week and at the weekends we would go and stay up there and see him.

I missed him terribly as sometimes he'd have to go abroad on top of that. I remember one night we were sat in the rented house looking out of the window and Dad was pointing out the constellations in a clear sky. I was taken by the idea of Orion and his shiny belt (a glimpse of future fashion tastes perhaps!) and we decided there and then that asterism would be our sign. Wherever we were we would always see it and know we were under the same sky.
I've always remembered that and now there's a star in the Orion constellation named Amme Legin Notwal (our names backwards) to remind us as a family that though we're slightly scattered we couldn't be closer.
I registered my star using Groupon and the Star Name Registry.
'We have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins, carbon in our souls, and nitrogen in our brains. 93 percent stardust, with souls made of flames, we are all just stars that have people names.' Nikita Gill, via Emma.