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263. The Infinite Label List

We all face labelling at some point in our lives. Whether it's ones we put on ourselves or ones that are pushed on us they can change the way people act around us.


With Cian McConn

Cian completed his MFA at the Royal College of Art, London in 2012. He is a visual artist and performer. His practice incorporates printmaking and performance.


Cian, as part of his contribution to the Science Gallery exhibition 'ON EDGE', was running a workshop about labelling, 'The Infinite Label List.'. Before the workshop we were all asked to select a word from a spreadsheet (there were lots ... it's infinite!) and as i scrolled down i spotted 'Mover' and it made me chuckle so we had a winner.

I was struggling in the morning with foot dystonia so arrived a bit late. My friend Sarah was already there and was carefully drawing the word 'Grateful'.

Cian had very kindly drawn the outlines for my word to save me time.

We were using lovely thick black fabric paint.

I looked across at Sarah making this beautiful perfection happen ...

... then looked at mine!! At least it's 'on brand' I suppose. I actually really love the contrast of Cian's neat outline and my messy filling in.

Thanks to the lovely Cian for a fun workshop.


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