I'm really excited to be heading to the World Parkinson's Congress in Kyoto, a place I've never been before. I was a bit nervous because i've have had mixed customer experience over the past few years where travel companies have dealt terribly with my condition and even just on a human level.

With Davs, Harry and Trish and everyone else who helped me today.
I've arrived safely in Tokyo where i'll stay for a night before catching the train to Kyoto. Sitting here a bit sleep deprived i'm reviewing the day and all the people I encountered.
My friend Davs who seeing (and feeling) how heavy my bag was with all the work postcards I needed to carry set her alarm early and responded to my panicked cry for help at 8am.
Harry, the angel of a ViaVan driver who picked me up and got me to the airport on time when someone else let me down (see next section) He very calmly just continuously updated me about the journey arrival time without stressing me out.
Everyone on security at Heathrow Terminal 5 who were insanely good at knowing how to deal with a shaky person, making my trip so easy.
Trish and all the cabin crew on BA flight 0007 who let me sit in their seats while I recovered from foot cramp and then found me a whole empty row of seats to myself. I made myself a little nest and fell asleep which so rarely happens on planes.
The sweet man on the Tokyo passport control desks who had to move the facial detection machine right under my head
There's a reason you book a taxi when you're flying. For me its always because i have that low level of fear bubbling away that i'm going to miss the flight but once I get there this melts. Today my booked taxi didn't show up or call at my pickup time of 8 so by 8:25 I was in another cab. They called at 9:10 am and said they were nearly with me. Facepalm.
I always feel a bit awkward about getting the wheelchair help through airports but the lovely Alison, a fellow person with Parkinson's and a facebook friend I was yet to meet in person made a sweet little comment about how I was overtaking her in her chair which diffused the situation.
I'm completely overwhelmed by everyone's help today.