When my friend Jude and her mother Eveleen invited me to Friday night dinner to experience the Jewish culture I jumped at the chance.
With Jude Habib
I first met Jude, founder of sounddelivery, standing in the audience for a charity awards event. We started talking and hit it off immediately. She didn't know I'd won an award and I didn't tell her until the moment I went up on stage. We kept in contact and she invited me to speak at her event Being The Story, one of the first talks I ever did and still one of my favourites. Since then she's been a huge champion of mine and a cheerleader for my story. Recently she gave me a platform again at her Social Media Exchange event.
Jude is an incredible human being, so giving of her time and so passionate about other people and stories that should really be told.
Jude and I chatted at dinner about telling stories and about how it's fun to try and tell them in a different way each time. So here Jude, for you, is my way of telling this story.
S is for something that's new, I'm excited
a friday night gathering to which I'm invited
H is for hostess, the warmth of her greeting,
her table I'm sat at her food that I'm eating
A's for acceptance and welcome to any
an honour to witness, not open to many
B is for brother, the head of the table
he recites the Kiddush, Impressed that he's able
B is for buttons and fear of them popping,
I'm on second portions no sign of me stopping
A's for amusement and thunderous laughter
I'll probably be giggling the whole morning after
T is for tales, yarns weaved over years
of friendships, adventures and motherly fears
With fullness of tummy and heart when I leave
My weekend enriched by the family Habib.

'I love doing new things, it's fun, it energises you, it's positive. For many people work can take over and none of us know what's round the corner. Life is short, we should all be trying something new and giving ourselves challenges.' Jude.