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74. Make-up detox

I've always been a bit of a hoarder when it comes to beauty products and even though i know they can cause allergy or infection i keep hold of cosmetics for a long time.

It's time for a cull i think.


While searching on the Internet for standard use by dates for cosmetics I stumbled across a gem of information, something I never knew before and I'd be interested to know whether you did. Most cosmetic items have a small icon of a jar with an open lid printed onto them. The numbers written inside the jar icon denote the suggested amount of months you should keep that product for. I had clocked the icon before but never really knew what it meant. I feel like the time someone told me the Cat's musical logo had silhouetted figures dancing in the set of eyes!

I set about clearing out some cosmetics basing my decisions on any specified or general use by dates and whether I actually use them at all. Anything I feel I need a replacement for I will replace.



Lipstick 18 months

Lipgloss 18 months

Lipliner 12 months

To the left is what i'm keeping. To the right is what i'm throwing away,


Eyeliner 18 months

Liquid eyeliner 6 months

Eyeshadow 18 months

Mascara 4 months

To the left is what i'm keeping. To the right is what i'm throwing away,


Foundation 12 months

Concealer 12-18 months

Powder 18 months

Blush/bronzer 18 months

Cream blush 12-18 months

To the left is what i'm keeping. To the right is what i'm throwing away,


Sponges 1 month, washed after each use

Brushes Washed regularly


Emma is co-founder of More Human the events creation platform.

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