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156. Making cordial

I have a worrying love for cordial to the point i'll usually have upwards from 4 different flavours in my cupboard at any given time.


I thought i'd try to make some from scratch to:

a) scare myself by how much sugar is in it

b) use up the fruit that's taking up so much room in my freezer


600g/20oz fresh or frozen berry fruit 300g/10oz caster sugar The juice of half a lemon 1 litre/13/4 pints water

If using fresh fruit don't bother to wash the berries; they are too delicate for running water and will disintegrate. Instead, pick over gently with your hands, removing any other little things that sometimes find their way in.

Place the fruit in a medium-sized saucepan, cover with the sugar, squeeze over the lemon juice and pour over the water.

Place over a medium heat and bring to a boil. Stir once or twice so that the sugar dissolves. Turn down and simmer for about 6-7 minutes or until the raspberries disintegrate.

Meanwhile, sterilise a glass container by washing in hot soapy water and drying on a low heat in the oven.

Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly. Pass through a colander to strain, pressing down on the fruit. Allow to cool, then pour into a glass vessel and place in the fridge.

The leftover pulp will make a great yoghurt topping with granola.

Serve diluted with water, soda, tonic or lemonade over ice. The cordial will be good for up to 2 weeks if kept in the fridge.


Emma is co-founder of More Human the events creation platform.

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